Moving Forward – Take Five With Michael Smith

Premium Content

August 09, 2019

Michael Smith, vice president and project director at EnSite USA, also currently serves as chairman of the Gas Machinery Research Council (GMRC), which presents the annual Gas Machinery Conference.

How did you get involved with the GMRC?

In the late 1980s and all through the 1990s, I was often at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) overseeing analog acoustic studies for Texas Gas Transmission. At that time, SwRI was the research partner for GMRC.

In the mid-90s, Bob Bass, who was vice president of the mechanical and fluidsdivision of SwRI, suggested to GMRC thatI would be a good addition for GMRC’s Research Advisory Committee (RAC), which was the predecessor to the current Project Supervisory Committee (PSC). I joined RAC and was then invited to join the GMC Planning Committee in 2000. I’ve been involved with GMRC ever since.

For several years, I was on the GMC Planning Committee, chairman of the PSC and a member of the GMRC Board of Directors at the same time. It kept my “free” time a bit busy, but it has always been enjoyable, and I have made many friends along the way.

What are the top issues facing the GMRC and, by extension, the industry it serves?

Click here to read the full story.

This story first appeared in the October 2018 issue of COMPRESSORTECH2. We only publish a fraction of our magazine content online, so for more great content, get every issue in your inbox/mailbox and access to our digital archives with a free subscription. Click here for a new subscription or here to renew your current subscription.

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