Wood Gets Pipeline Contract

Premium Content

March 21, 2019

Wood Plc, the U.K.-based global provider of project, engineering and technical services in the energy industry, has been awarded a $34 million contract from RH energytrans LLC to construct 28 miles of new pipeline designed to carry natural gas from Pennsylvania to Ohio.

Awarded through a competitive tender process, Wood’s scope also includes the construction of the North Kingsville meter station in Ashtabula County, Ohio. The project is underway and is expected to be completed this summer.

“This award strengthens our leading position in the North America market, where we have the largest and most vertically integrated pipeline project offering,” said Andrew Stewart, CEO of Wood’s Asset Solutions Americas business. “We will fully leverage our broad capability to deliver this project, bringing together the strength of Wood’s expertise to maximize value for our customer.”

The Risberg pipeline will connect to approximately 32 miles of existing pipeline, originating in the Meadville, Pa., area, extending in a northwest direction and terminating at the North Kingsville Meter Station.

Approximately 16 miles of new pipeline will be installed in Pennsylvania and 12 miles in Ohio.

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DJ Slater Senior Editor, Compressor Tech² Tel: +1 262 754 4113 E-mail: dj.slater@khl.com
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